
AgedCare offers a holistic approach to professional and legal guardianship in Florida in the best interest of the person who has been adjudicated incapacitated. Providing person centred individualized care with a full-service team of professionals.

All your needs are a few clicks away. When it comes to your benefits, we can handle all aspects. Asset protection, Medicaid Trust, Medicare and Medicaid benefit applications, veteran’s benefits, companion care and more – all are handled by AgedCare professional team in smooth fashion.

Black horizontal line with square at end. AgedCare brand line

AgedCare’s Commitment to Ethical & Professional Services: Our Heart & Expertise

A guardian of the person is a guardian whose responsibilities are to care for a person’s physical and personal needs, such as residence decisions, monitor medical treatment, non-medical services such as education, social activities, coordination of care, aid with critical medical care, end-of-life decisions, secure and manage benefits such as SSI, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security Benefits.

The court monitors guardians and guardians are to provide these services in the least restrictive manner while preserving assets when possible. The court decides which of these responsibilities are granted to the professional guardian.


Comprehensive Guardianship Services

At AgedCare, we’re passionate about providing guardianship services that are not only professional but also warm and personal.

AgedCare manages a wide range of responsibilities, including overseeing the ward’s personal, financial, placement and medical affairs. The organization’s services are designed to ensure the well-being of the ward and advocate for their best interests in all matters.

Black horizontal line with square at end. AgedCare brand line

Tech-Savvy Care

Our use of the latest technology isn’t just about being modern; it’s about providing efficient, reliable care that you can trust.

Choosing AgedCare means choosing a partner who’s committed to caring, community, and making a positive impact. We’re here to provide guardianship that’s as friendly and approachable as it is professional and reliable.


Technology & Asset Management

Employing state-of-the-art systems, AgedCare provides efficient and secure operations. The team’s expertise in asset research planning is crucial for locating funds to cover cases, ensuring smooth business operations and client servicing.

Our experienced team, with over 20 years of combined experience, works within the spirit of Florida’s guardianship laws to ensure every decision is made with the best interest of those we serve in mind.


Beyond The Basics

We do more than just tick boxes. We’re here to make sure that your loved ones have everything they need, from a safe place to live to the right medical care and support with their finances. But our responsibility does not stop there. Our comprehensive role encompasses:

These duties are performed with a commitment to the ward’s care, ensuring access to all entitled support and adapting to the unique demands of each guardianship form.

Opting means entrusting the legal guardianship of your loved ones needs to an organization that is experienced, legally compliant, and ethically driven. AgedCare’s commitment to excellence in guardianship services makes it the ideal choice for anyone seeking legal guardianship in Florida.

AgedCare stands out as a premier choice for Legal Guardianship of Person services, offering expertise, comprehensive care, asset management, and a strong ethical foundation, making it the ideal partner in guardianship matters for your family.

Black horizontal line with square at end. AgedCare brand line

Guardian of Property is someone appointed by the court to manage the financial affairs of a person who can’t do it themselves, maybe because of age, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, an illness, or a disability.

The guardian steps in to make sure the ward’s property and money are taken care of responsibly. This is a fiduciary responsibility requiring a high level of trust.


The Appointment Process

Becoming a property guardian starts with a court process. It’s a serious role, and the court takes steps to ensure the guardian is trustworthy and will act in the ward’s best interests. Once appointed, the guardian has the authority to handle the ward’s property, but they’re also under the court’s watchful eye.

The court doesn’t just appoint a guardian and walk away. They require regular reports and keep a close check on the guardian’s actions. If a guardian doesn’t live up to their responsibilities, the court can step in to protect the ward’s assets.

Black horizontal line with square at end. AgedCare brand line

Guardian’s Responsibilities

A property guardian’s job is to manage the ward’s assets wisely. They might pay bills, invest money, or handle real estate, always making sure the ward’s needs come first. It’s a role that comes with a lot of trust and a duty to keep the ward’s best financial interests at heart.


The Importance of Transparency

Being a Legal Guardian of Property means being open about what you’re doing with the ward’s assets. The court, and sometimes other family members, will want to see that everything is being managed properly. It’s all about being clear and open in every financial decision and action taken.


What’s Covered Under Guardianship of Property?

AgedCare, with its combined 20 years of experience and a team of professionals, stands as a beacon of trust and professionalism in the guardianship field. AgedCare’s use of state-of-the-art technology ensures efficient and secure operations, while their commitment to community engagement demonstrates their role as a valuable community partner.

Guardianship of property includes:

AgedCare is not only a member of the National Guardianship Association and Florida Guardianship Association but also part of the Professional Fiduciary Council of Florida. This trifecta of affiliations showcases AgedCare’s dedication to upholding the highest standards of guardianship and fiduciary responsibilities. By aligning with these organizations, AgedCare demonstrates its commitment to ethical practice, professional development, and adherence to the best practices in the field.

Legal guardianship of property is a significant responsibility, and AgedCare is equipped to handle it with the utmost professionalism and care. By choosing AgedCare, you’re entrusting your loved one’s financial well-being to a team that is experienced, legally compliant, and deeply committed to your loved one’s welfare.

For more information or to discuss your specific needs, AgedCare’s team is ready to assist you.

Black horizontal line with square at end. AgedCare brand line

Empowering Individuals with Disabilities through AgedCare: Understanding Guardian Advocacy

Guardian Advocacy is a legal route designed for individuals with developmental disabilities who need assistance with decision-making.

It’s a process that allows Professional Guardians, family members, caregivers, or friends to legally make certain decisions on behalf of the person with a disability, ensuring their well-being and best interests are always a priority.


The Role of Guardian Advocate

A Guardian Advocate steps in to help with decisions that might be too challenging for the person with a disability to handle alone. This could range from medical and financial decisions to everyday living arrangements.

The goal is to provide the necessary support while respecting the individual’s independence and dignity.


Empowering Individuals with Disabilities

AgedCare is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities through Guardian Advocacy, providing the support they need to thrive while respecting their ability to participate in their own life decisions.


Eligibility for Guardian Advocacy

To be eligible for the appointment of a Guardian Advocate, the individual must have a developmental disability such as Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Spina Bifida, Down Syndrome, Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, or Prader-Willi Syndrome. These conditions should have been manifested before the age of 18 and be expected to continue indefinitely.

The duties of a Guardian Advocate include:

For more information or to discuss how AgedCare can support you or your loved one through Guardian Advocacy, feel free to reach out. AgedCare is here to help navigate this important journey.

Black horizontal line with square at end. AgedCare brand line

Compassionate Care: A Helping Hand Through Volunteer Guardianship

Volunteer Guardianship in Florida is a special provision under Florida Statutes 744 that allows for the appointment of a guardian without the need for a formal adjudication of incapacity.

This compassionate approach is designed for individuals who, due to age or physical infirmity, find themselves unable to manage their own estate despite being mentally competent. Volunteer Guardianship only covers guardianship of property.

Eligibility & Process

To be eligible for a volunteer guardian, the individual must present a certificate from a licensed physician confirming their competency to understand the nature of the guardianship and their delegation of authority. This ensures that the person is making an informed decision about their own care and estate management.

The Court’s Role in Appointment

The court can appoint a volunteer guardian for a person who has voluntarily petitioned for such assistance. This process is marked by dignity and respect for the individual’s autonomy, allowing them to recognize their own need for support and seek it proactively.


Duties of Volunteer Guardian

AgedCare offers Volunteer Guardian services with a deep understanding of the responsibilities and the trust involved. A volunteer guardian may assume all the duties of a guardian of property, including but not limited to:

Choosing AgedCare means opting for a partner who values integrity, compassion, and professionalism, ensuring that your loved one’s estate is managed with the utmost care and respect.

For more information or to discuss the Volunteer Guardianship services offered by AgedCare, please reach out. AgedCare is dedicated to providing support and guidance every step of the way.

Black horizontal line with square at end. AgedCare brand line

AgedCare Your Trusted Partner in Fiduciary & Guardianship Services

At AgedCare, we transcend traditional fiduciary and guardianship roles, becoming your steadfast partners in managing care, assets, and financial strategies. Our team of seasoned professionals are unwaveringly committed to your welfare, ensuring that every decision reflects your objectives and wishes.

Fiduciaries are tasked with managing assets and financial decisions for others with utmost integrity, while guardians are responsible for the personal and health-related care of another individual.

Safeguarding Your Legacy
& Estate

We recognize the importance of your legacy and are dedicated to assisting you in safeguarding it. With our all-encompassing fiduciary and guardianship management, your estate will receive services that are as unique as your needs.

Our experts are devoted to your interests, customizing our services to fulfill your distinct estate ambitions.

Personalized & Empathetic Services

Planning for the future, whether it’s your own or that of a loved one, requires a partner adept at guiding you through the intricate and emotional journey of estate management.

You deserve a partner who offers personalized, professional, and empathetic services aligned with your circumstances and objectives. A partner who safeguards your assets, rights, and dignity.


Fiduciary Services  

Our comprehensive services provide peace of mind and ensure the well-being of your loved ones is protected, from fiduciary services to personalized placement assistance.  Our role encompasses:


If you become unable to make decisions due to incapacity, we can act as your guardian, ensuring your healthcare, financial, and legal needs are met. 

Trust Management

We can establish and manage trusts on your behalf or for your loved ones if you’re facing the challenges of aging or caring for a minor.  

Financial Planning

We offer personalized financial planning to help you achieve your financial goals. We stand as a beacon of trust and professionalism in the guardianship field. 

Placement Assistance  

AgedCare is your reliable and trustworthy partner for fiduciary services and placement
or guardian support. Our team has a history of excellence in caregiving and financial skills.

You need AgedCare. Choose AgedCare for reliable, proficient management of your fiduciary,
trust, and guardianship affairs. Contact us today to confidently secure the future of your estate.


Why Choose


Your Best Interests First

As guardians and fiduciaries, our commitment is to your well-being and ensuring your wishes are respected. Your goals and needs guide every decision we make. 


Transparent & Fair Fees

We value honesty and transparency. Our fees are reasonable, clearly explained upfront, and free from any hidden costs or commissions. 


Protection of Your Assets

We diligently safeguard your personal and financial information from unauthorized access or misuse, using industry-standard security measures. 


Experienced & Compassionate Professionals

Our team brings together decades of experience in caregiving, financial planning, and legal services, ensuring you receive well-rounded and informed support. 


Maximizing Your Benefits

We help you identify and apply for government and private benefits you may qualify for, ensuring you receive the financial support you deserve. 


Professional Affiliations & Ethical Standards

As members of the National Guardianship Association, Florida State Guardianship Association and Professional Fiduciary Council of Florida, AgedCare upholds the NGA code of ethics and standards. This commitment to ethical practice is a cornerstone of the trust and reliability that AgedCare offers to its clients.

Three scattered dots of different sizes. AgedCare brand dots.



“Engulfed with despair, fear, anxiety, restless nights, and overwhelming sense of helplessness. Those feelings crippled me daily, not knowing what next steps to take, I felt like I was on a deserted island, not wanting to fail my loved one. Thankfully a family member put me in touch with Mr. Homer Hartage. All those negative feelings dissipated after having just one conversation.

Mr. Hartage gave a detailed explanation of my options, which allowed me to make informed decisions about the best options for my family. Again, thank you so much Mr. Hartage for picking up the phone to answer my questions and putting my mind at ease, thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge.

Finally, thank you, sir, for your kindness. During the most stressful times in my life, you answered my call for help. May God shower you and your family with continuous blessings.”

The Feacher
Blackshear Family



“There are not enough great things to say about Homer, feeling safe with him is made so easy. He is extremely culturally sensitive, always on time, and has your best interest at heart. He will work overtime just to make sure you and your family have everything they could ever want.

Homer has become a part of my family and I feel so honoured to know him. We are glad he is our guardian. He communicated well with the family and made sure everyone is up to date and informed. At the end of the day, he always makes the right decisions.”

Leila Tiles-Lasanta
Clinical Coordinator Nurse Residency Program
Hudson Regional Hospital Secausus, NJ



“Honestly, if you work in healthcare and have a resident who needs a guardian I have the most amazing person, Homer Hartage. Never, EVER have I seen such love and devotion to a client in my life .… it takes a lot to impress me because I have such high standards .… my mind is blown. Please let him know if you should have a need for a guardian. Your client/resident truly could not be in better hands. He’s simply amazing.

So refreshing to see a guardian treat their client like a loved one instead of a pay check or commodity …. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life… and I’ve been doing this a minute.”

Robyn Edelstein
Owner Robyn’s Referrals



“Homer Hartage is extremely passionate and dedicated to providing a service to others. I have watched Homer in action over the years.

He will make sure that every measure has been taken for the safety of providing a quality service to all. His kindness along with his knowledge of delivering the best healthcare services are absolutely outstanding.”

Shirley Simmons
CEO Abstract Expressionist Artist

911 | Emergency Service

In case of emergency, call 911. AgedCare team is available 24/7 to assist our clients.


AgedCare offers a holistic approach to professional and legal guardianship in Florida in the best interest of the person who has been adjudicated incapacitated. Providing person centred individualized care with a full-service team of professionals.

All your needs are a few clicks away. When it comes to your benefits, we can handle all aspects. Asset protection, Medicaid Trust, Medicare and Medicaid benefit applications, veteran’s benefits, companion care and more – all are handled by AgedCare professional team in smooth fashion.

AgedCare’s Commitment to Ethical & Professional Services: Our Heart & Expertise

A guardian of the person is a guardian whose responsibilities are to care for a person’s physical and personal needs, such as residence decisions, monitor medical treatment, non-medical services such as education, social activities, coordination of care, aid with critical medical care, end-of-life decisions, secure and manage benefits such as SSI, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security Benefits.

The court monitors guardians and guardians are to provide these services in the least restrictive manner while preserving assets when possible. The court decides which of these responsibilities are granted to the professional guardian.

Comprehensive Guardianship Services

At AgedCare, we’re passionate about providing guardianship services that are not only professional but also warm and personal.

AgedCare manages a wide range of responsibilities, including overseeing the ward’s personal, financial, placement and medical affairs. The organization’s services are designed to ensure the well-being of the ward and advocate for their best interests in all matters.

Tech-Savvy Care

Our use of the latest technology isn’t just about being modern; it’s about providing efficient, reliable care that you can trust.

Choosing AgedCare means choosing a partner who’s committed to caring, community, and making a positive impact. We’re here to provide guardianship that’s as friendly and approachable as it is professional and reliable.

Technology & Asset Management

Employing state-of-the-art systems, AgedCare provides efficient and secure operations. The team’s expertise in asset research planning is crucial for locating funds to cover cases, ensuring smooth business operations and client servicing.

Our experienced team, with over 20 years of combined experience, works within the spirit of Florida’s guardianship laws to ensure every decision is made with the best interest of those we serve in mind.


Beyond The Basics

We do more than just tick boxes. We’re here to make sure that your loved ones have everything they need, from a safe place to live to the right medical care and support with their finances. But our responsibility does not stop there. Our comprehensive role encompasses:

These duties are performed with a commitment to the ward’s care, ensuring access to all entitled support and adapting to the unique demands of each guardianship form.

Opting means entrusting the legal guardianship of your loved ones needs to an organization that is experienced, legally compliant, and ethically driven. AgedCare’s commitment to excellence in guardianship services makes it the ideal choice for anyone seeking legal guardianship in Florida.

AgedCare stands out as a premier choice for Legal Guardianship of Person services, offering expertise, comprehensive care, asset management, and a strong ethical foundation, making it the ideal partner in guardianship matters for your family.

Guardian of Property is someone appointed by the court to manage the financial affairs of a person who can’t do it themselves, maybe because of age, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, an illness, or a disability.

The guardian steps in to make sure the ward’s property and money are taken care of responsibly. This is a fiduciary responsibility requiring a high level of trust.

The Appointment Process

Becoming a property guardian starts with a court process. It’s a serious role, and the court takes steps to ensure the guardian is trustworthy and will act in the ward’s best interests. Once appointed, the guardian has the authority to handle the ward’s property, but they’re also under the court’s watchful eye.

The court doesn’t just appoint a guardian and walk away. They require regular reports and keep a close check on the guardian’s actions. If a guardian doesn’t live up to their responsibilities, the court can step in to protect the ward’s assets.

Guardian’s Responsibilities

A property guardian’s job is to manage the ward’s assets wisely. They might pay bills, invest money, or handle real estate, always making sure the ward’s needs come first. It’s a role that comes with a lot of trust and a duty to keep the ward’s best financial interests at heart.

The Importance of Transparency

Being a Legal Guardian of Property means being open about what you’re doing with the ward’s assets. The court, and sometimes other family members, will want to see that everything is being managed properly. It’s all about being clear and open in every financial decision and action taken.


What’s Covered Under Guardianship of Property?

AgedCare, with its combined 20 years of experience and a team of professionals, stands as a beacon of trust and professionalism in the guardianship field. AgedCare’s use of state-of-the-art technology ensures efficient and secure operations, while their commitment to community engagement demonstrates their role as a valuable community partner.

Guardianship of property includes:

AgedCare is not only a member of the National Guardianship Association and Florida Guardianship Association but also part of the Professional Fiduciary Council of Florida. This trifecta of affiliations showcases AgedCare’s dedication to upholding the highest standards of guardianship and fiduciary responsibilities. By aligning with these organizations, AgedCare demonstrates its commitment to ethical practice, professional development, and adherence to the best practices in the field.

Legal guardianship of property is a significant responsibility, and AgedCare is equipped to handle it with the utmost professionalism and care. By choosing AgedCare, you’re entrusting your loved one’s financial well-being to a team that is experienced, legally compliant, and deeply committed to your loved one’s welfare.

For more information or to discuss your specific needs, AgedCare’s team is ready to assist you.

Empowering Individuals with Disabilities through AgedCare: Understanding Guardian Advocacy

Guardian Advocacy is a legal route designed for individuals with developmental disabilities who need assistance with decision-making.

It’s a process that allows Professional Guardians, family members, caregivers, or friends to legally make certain decisions on behalf of the person with a disability, ensuring their well-being and best interests are always a priority.

The Role of Guardian Advocate

A Guardian Advocate steps in to help with decisions that might be too challenging for the person with a disability to handle alone. This could range from medical and financial decisions to everyday living arrangements.

The goal is to provide the necessary support while respecting the individual’s independence and dignity.

Empowering Individuals with Disabilities

AgedCare is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities through Guardian Advocacy, providing the support they need to thrive while respecting their ability to participate in their own life decisions.


Eligibility for Guardian Advocacy

To be eligible for the appointment of a Guardian Advocate, the individual must have a developmental disability such as Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Spina Bifida, Down Syndrome, Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, or Prader-Willi Syndrome. These conditions should have been manifested before the age of 18 and be expected to continue indefinitely.

The duties of a Guardian Advocate include:

For more information or to discuss how AgedCare can support you or your loved one through Guardian Advocacy, feel free to reach out. AgedCare is here to help navigate this important journey.

Compassionate Care A Helping Hand Through Volunteer Guardianship

Volunteer Guardianship in Florida is a special provision under Florida Statutes 744 that allows for the appointment of a guardian without the need for a formal adjudication of incapacity.

This compassionate approach is designed for individuals who, due to age or physical infirmity, find themselves unable to manage their own estate despite being mentally competent. Volunteer Guardianship only covers guardianship of property.

Eligibility & Process

To be eligible for a volunteer guardian, the individual must present a certificate from a licensed physician confirming their competency to understand the nature of the guardianship and their delegation of authority. This ensures that the person is making an informed decision about their own care and estate management.

The Court’s Role in Appointment

The court can appoint a volunteer guardian for a person who has voluntarily petitioned for such assistance. This process is marked by dignity and respect for the individual’s autonomy, allowing them to recognize their own need for support and seek it proactively.


Duties of Volunteer Guardian

AgedCare offers Volunteer Guardian services with a deep understanding of the responsibilities and the trust involved. A volunteer guardian may assume all the duties of a guardian of property, including but not limited to:

Choosing AgedCare means opting for a partner who values integrity, compassion, and professionalism, ensuring that your loved one’s estate is managed with the utmost care and respect.

For more information or to discuss the Volunteer Guardianship services offered by AgedCare, please reach out. AgedCare is dedicated to providing support and guidance every step of the way.

AgedCare Your Trusted Partner in Fiduciary & Guardianship Services

At AgedCare, we transcend traditional fiduciary and guardianship roles, becoming your steadfast partners in managing care, assets, and financial strategies. Our team of seasoned professionals are unwaveringly committed to your welfare, ensuring that every decision reflects your objectives and wishes.

Fiduciaries are tasked with managing assets and financial decisions for others with utmost integrity, while guardians are responsible for the personal and health-related care of another individual.

Safeguarding Your Legacy & Estate

We recognize the importance of your legacy and are dedicated to assisting you in safeguarding it. With our all-encompassing fiduciary and guardianship management, your estate will receive services that are as unique as your needs.

Our experts are devoted to your interests, customizing our services to fulfill your distinct estate ambitions.

Personalized & Empathetic Services

Planning for the future, whether it’s your own or that of a loved one, requires a partner adept at guiding you through the intricate and emotional journey of estate management.

You deserve a partner who offers personalized, professional, and empathetic services aligned with your circumstances and objectives. A partner who safeguards your assets, rights, and dignity.



Our comprehensive services provide peace of mind and ensure the well-being of your loved ones is protected, from fiduciary services to personalized placement assistance.  Our role encompasses:


If you become unable to make decisions due to incapacity, we can act as your guardian, ensuring your healthcare, financial, and legal needs are met. 

Trust Management

We can establish and manage trusts on your behalf or for your loved ones if you’re facing the challenges of aging or caring for a minor.  

Financial Planning

We offer personalized financial planning to help you achieve your financial goals. We stand as a beacon of trust and professionalism in the guardianship field. 

Placement Assistance  

AgedCare is your reliable and trustworthy partner for fiduciary services and placement or guardian support. Our team has a history of excellence in caregiving and financial skills.

You need AgedCare. Choose AgedCare for reliable, proficient management of your fiduciary, trust, and guardianship affairs. Contact us today to confidently secure the future of your estate.


Why Choose


Your Best Interests First

As guardians and fiduciaries, our commitment is to your well-being and ensuring your wishes are respected. Your goals and needs guide every decision we make. 


Transparent & Fair Fees

We value honesty and transparency. Our fees are reasonable, clearly explained upfront, and free from any hidden costs or commissions. 


Protection of Your Assets

We diligently safeguard your personal and financial information from unauthorized access or misuse, using industry-standard security measures. 


Experienced & Compassionate Professionals

Our team brings together decades of experience in caregiving, financial planning, and legal services, ensuring you receive well-rounded and informed support. 


Maximizing Your Benefits

We help you identify and apply for government and private benefits you may qualify for, ensuring you receive the financial support you deserve. 


Professional Affiliations & Ethical Standards

As members of the National Guardianship Association, Florida State Guardianship Association and Professional Fiduciary Council of Florida, AgedCare upholds the NGA code of ethics and standards. This commitment to ethical practice is a cornerstone of the trust and reliability that AgedCare offers to its clients.

Three scattered dots of different sizes. AgedCare brand dots.



“Engulfed with despair, fear, anxiety, restless nights, and overwhelming sense of helplessness. Those feelings crippled me daily, not knowing what next steps to take, I felt like I was on a deserted island, not wanting to fail my loved one. Thankfully a family member put me in touch with Mr. Homer Hartage. All those negative feelings dissipated after having just one conversation.

Mr. Hartage gave a detailed explanation of my options, which allowed me to make informed decisions about the best options for my family. Again, thank you so much Mr. Hartage for picking up the phone to answer my questions and putting my mind at ease, thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge.

Finally, thank you, sir, for your kindness. During the most stressful times in my life, you answered my call for help. May God shower you and your family with continuous blessings.”

The Feacher
Blackshear Family



“There are not enough great things to say about Homer, feeling safe with him is made so easy. He is extremely culturally sensitive, always on time, and has your best interest at heart. He will work overtime just to make sure you and your family have everything they could ever want.

Homer has become a part of my family and I feel so honoured to know him. We are glad he is our guardian. He communicated well with the family and made sure everyone is up to date and informed. At the end of the day, he always makes the right decisions.”

Leila Tiles-Lasanta
Clinical Coordinator Nurse Residency Program
Hudson Regional Hospital Secausus, NJ



“Honestly, if you work in healthcare and have a resident who needs a guardian I have the most amazing person, Homer Hartage. Never, EVER have I seen such love and devotion to a client in my life .… it takes a lot to impress me because I have such high standards .… my mind is blown. Please let him know if you should have a need for a guardian. Your client/resident truly could not be in better hands. He’s simply amazing.

So refreshing to see a guardian treat their client like a loved one instead of a pay check or commodity …. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life… and I’ve been doing this a minute.”

Robyn Edelstein
Owner Robyn’s Referrals



“Homer Hartage is extremely passionate and dedicated to providing a service to others. I have watched Homer in action over the years.

He will make sure that every measure has been taken for the safety of providing a quality service to all. His kindness along with his knowledge of delivering the best healthcare services are absolutely outstanding.”

Shirley Simmons
CEO Abstract Expressionist Artist

911 | Emergency Service

In case of emergency, call 911. AgedCare team is available 24/7 to assist our clients.

Volunteer | For A Good Cause

We provide verification of community volunteer service hours to your institution. Volunteers must meet background screening.

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Terms & Agreement
In checking the box above, you agree and confirm that all above statements are true and accurate. You acknowledge that your service advisor may reach out to you via email to confirm your participation.

Donations help support our Community Indigent Guardianship Program. In 2023, we provided $125,000 in pro bono guardianship for needy families.

Every dollar goes 100% to the care of people. Help us to help others.

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“In the minds of us all as we age and ponder a future time when we too may need a caring hand.  Should you have to make the difficult decision for yourself, a loved one or a friend because they have been judged to lack the capacity or unable to manage their own affairs due to mental or physical incapacity that could be the moment you consider a guardian.” Gordon H. Smith

AgedCare brings a combined 20 years of experience and a commitment to ethical practice to the role of legal guardians. As a member of the National Guardianship Association, Florida Guardianship Association, and the Professional Fiduciary Council of Florida, AgedCare upholds the highest standards of guardianship and fiduciary responsibilities.

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